In honor of those who have passed...

Luis Alvarez

Art Lederman - August 30th, 2016
real good 2nd base man & boy could he run--great guy & funny
Art Lederman - May 25th, 2016
grew up playing ball with him in Flamingo Park , boy was he fast around the bases and a reag good second base man, laughed alot with him , can't believe he's passed. Will miss him . 

Richard Ascott

Dr.Stanley Gruber - August 16th, 2024
Always a good friend and a very fine person.
Art Lederman - June 25th, 2015
When I moved to Miami Beach in 1954 on 13th st. Pennsylvania Ave. right across the alley way lived this tall kid that I became very friendly with name Ricky. We went to Flaming Park almost daily after school was out and played in whatever kind of ball that was going on there and wouldn't come home till dusk. Our mothers used to ask each other , so is Ricky home yet, because Arthur isn't and vice versa. Almost forgot, it was Ricky that also took me on my 1st motorcycle ride when his mother bought him that 650 Bonnyville Triumph bike and when he did that wheelie(scared the ---- out of me)that was it for me. Some years ago I went back to my old neighborhood and there he was in the same place in a wheelchair telling me what happened to him ) He was just as big then in that chair as he was playing Basketball. Man was he great !!! I had heard that he passed quite a while ago but reading his name now and thinking back just remembering those great old days brings tears to my eyes and getting pretty choked up. God is watching you shoot that jump shot right now Rick, " all net as usual."
Laura Herman Pomerantz - March 28th, 2015
Ricky was such a fine person. We shared so many good times together. He loved life, his
friends, basketball, his -Vette, and was a truly caring person. I dropped his transmission while he was teaching me how to drive a stick shift and he didn't even get mad at me!!!
A 6'5" gentle giant!! He made the world a better place for sure.
Laura Herman, Class of '65

Margaret (Margie) Goldfarb (Uller) - November 13th, 2014
Ricky was my buddy - he drove to school in his blue Corvette and we confided in each other. He was a gentleman and a great athlete.

Jeffrey Avick

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Ecceleno Barrios Jr.

Art Lederman - May 25th, 2016
great guy , great sense of humor , can picture him right now

James Bass

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Richard Baxter

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Maddi Patrick (Benjamin)

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Toni Leonard (Berger)

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Donald Berry

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Harriet Morris (Black)

Rich Victor - October 5th, 2012
 Harriet lived around the corner from me in the early 60s. We were pals down in South Beach back in the day. Super smart girl. Rest in peace. 
adrienne adels - August 7th, 2010
Harriiet was my friend. We rode the school bus together or  shared in our car pool with Michael Brown, Trudi Herman and often Mark Leban.After school, we would go to the 7 Eleven on Normandy Isle to eat ice cold water melon from the cooler and laugh.. She was brillant, eccentric,funny, and lovable. Please, if you know  of Harriet,please let me hear from you.God bless her,